This game absolutely shocked me. I didn't know what to expect but it looked cute with some interesting mechanics. It's gameplay and mechanics are solid with some very fun combat that you can really get into a rhythm with. The progression and upgrades are fantastic and you really feel yourself getting stronger.

Oh and the lore. The LORE. So good, I did have to look it up but it's pretty cool. The handbook that you get in the game is one of the most interesting and fun idea's I've seen in a game in ages and it works perfectly. The alternate ending and following the golden path will always be one of my fondest memories in gaming that you can only really do once. Even with some help from a walkthrough I felt like I figured so much by myself and it was so rewarding.

I wish there was another boss fight or two but the one's we got were so well done and so gratifying to beat. I will likely revisit it, just for the boss fights alone.

I struggled occasionally knowing where to go, though that could also be because I'm dumb. I highly recommend the game but I understand it's not for everyone.

Reviewed on Jun 29, 2023
