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1 day

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June 1, 2020

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Major props to the Risk of Rain team deciding that the only way forward with the series was to immediately jump to the 3rd dimension. The first game is perfectly translated to 3D in Risk of Rain 2, and it's a much better game for it.

Much like the first game, the fun of RoR2 is to get as much shit as you can to upgrade your character, within the least amount of time possible. Difficulty and enemy count increases as time goes on, creating a very engaging dynamic of risk and reward, where you decide how far you wanna go in a stage to find new items before bringing forth the boss.

Just as RoR1, the levels are very expansive, but with the 3rd axis, it's much easier and enjoyable to assess the landscape and figure out where the items are and what path to take. Movement options are also much more entertaining and strategic, that depend on the character you choose from.

Unfortunately RoR2 has the same problem for me that its predecessor had. There's a considerable amount of "dead air" time, where you are just running around at the start of each stage without enough enemies to increase your cash flow so you can unlock new items. Unlike, for example, Binding of Isaac, where you dictate the flow of enemy encounters as you decide which rooms to pick, in RoR2 you have to wait it out for enemies to show up in greater numbers so you can get the action going. This isn't that big of a deal, but it starts to weight in after a nubmer of hours, and it makes restarting runs more a chore than they should be.

Despite that nitpick, RoR2 is a very fun time, and now that it has co-op up to 4 players, it's even more exciting to see how much you can fill the screen with enemies and bosses your brain can't keep up with.