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In those formative years of childhood, it is easy to find experiences that changes you deeply, a bit too easy sometimes. Most of my favorite games are games that shaped me when i still had no form and taught me a bit of who i was. Maybe my experience was different due to timing, for i am now 26. Maybe this game is just different and i will never know exactly how it would have affected me when i was a child. However, Exploring the universe of Outer Wilds made me feel like a child. I felt excitement and wonder, i felt fear and sadness, i felt loneliness and warmth.
And in some special times, i felt myself and the universe.

And though i now have form, those experiences still managed to reach me and i felt changed, as if i was shaped, as if i had just learnt some of those simple things you understand as a child.

It's a complete experience, akin to life, that can only be had once, something in this game makes it special. It is not the excitement or spectacle, it is not the mechanics or difficulty, nor an epic narrative, although this game's narrative is superb, not even the graphics. None of those aspects is what makes outer wilds the best game in the world. But i can't quite tell you what it is without ruining it one way or another. So go play it, I can't recommend it enough, It is art.

And if this game doesn't feel like all that, it may not be the right time or it may not be for you (i doubt that). Take your time, follow your curiosity, abandon your fear, don't resent this universe; for it has no will to be seen as evil and trust the god that made it; for it loves you and will not betray you.