I will never understand why did insomniac change Peters face. He looks weird now. Like he isn't my boy I spent hours with protecting the city. And is that Elon Musk being the evil boss man?

Miles Morales, an overpowered spider-man straight from the ghetto is our main hero for today. Is he good? Is his journey good? Are his vibes in check? I don't want to say it, but yeah, pretty much. It's not an oscar-winning tear-jerking drama story, but a simple personal one with pleasant atmosphere. Web swinging through New-York was fun a hundred years ago when dinosaurs lived there and it's still as fun today and tech progress is where this part shines the most. All those fluid animations conveying Miles personality are a joy to behold. Jameson podcasts together with upbeat in-battle banter with honest criminals simply trying to make a living bring a smile to my face. I love almost everything regarding how the world is portrayed in this universe.

I don't get why Tinkerers personality stopped existing after she almost killed Rhino though, this was the most important part of the story and it really underdelivered in that front.

The combat is a little junky, as it's still the same beat'em'up from Batman Arkham but still not quite giving that oomph, you know, some odd counters aren't registering or getting shot while dodging, all that. Batman was a fridge and I guess that's what gave him the edge, Spidey is just too agile for that system. I don't really remember what was it like in the previous game but I think it's pretty much the same.

What's good though, is that you can now use your powers while swinging for additional height or speed. This brought back good memories from Infamous and deserves a little credit.

By the way, oi New-York, where are your trees, mate? I get that it's a concrete jungle but come on. How can people live there, entire city is just brown-gray, no green spot in sight as far as eye can see. Disgusting.

I get that this is a glorified DLC, but thank you, developer dudes, for making an open world game that can be hundred percented in fifteen or so hours.

Reviewed on Oct 30, 2023
