tl;dr boring story with a pretty looking and fun game

an extremely lazy narrative that does not have any high, or rather it's unable to capitalise on any of the opportunities it built up.

it is so incompetent when it comes to even slightly trying to build up tension, mystery or anything nearly emotional, simply because of the fact that cutscene are extremely underutilised and most of the important moments are reduced into still-standing 3d models talking through their ugly sprite. it's bad and flat out boring, the slice of life moments of the game (confidants, hangouts, holidays) somewhat redeem it.

when it comes down to its technical side is near flawless, the visual appearance and the soundtracks are quite perfect;

the combat is extremely fun though it is held back by the - after a while - redundant enemy, especially boss design, every single Palace Lord fight has the exact same pattern and the whole thing is just compensated by the fact that the combat flows flawlessly well. also the character movement in free areas is dogshit, feels like they put more effort into the Menu than they did programming the movement.

Reviewed on Mar 06, 2023
