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Absolutely terrible.

Anyone who wants to understand game design should play this. On the surface, it looks and plays just like the first three, but spend a bit of time with it, and it falls apart very fast.

Story involves time travel again for no real reason, cortex creates a terrible budget-crash who uses elemental masks (very cliched), etc etc. Nothing special.

Visually everything looks kind of off. Crash's extra lives are janky 3D heads instead of the charming 2D art. Cortex's eyes are all fucked up, and his 'N' is too big. N Tropy looks all messed up, repeating assets from older games. Animation is much better on cutscenes in older games. Levels are kind of just repeated ideas from previous games visually.

Gameplay is unforgivable. Levels are too widely spaced, meaning 90% of enemies can just be walked around, so many enemies in this just stand harmlessly throwing stuff into the middle of what is essentially a massive motorway.

You fight the same boss every time, Crunch with a new flavor added on. The flame-mask one in particular stood out as really dumb. Where you just ran back and forward chasing each other with a pathetic looking water pistol in some non-descript pathway.

Vehicles all handle in a really poor way, especially the aliens-power loader thing, which i audibly groaned at everytime it made an appearance.

Can you tell i hated every second of this?

Easily the worst crash game, i played them all in order, and i've gotta say, the latter entries after this are much more tolerable, as much as they miss the mark.

A true companion-piece to Spyro Enter the Dragonfly.