Recommended: Yes

Positives: This game has the best Gow of War story, Kratos has the most character development (more than all the other games combined), the side missions are good and different that one another, it has great characters, even Atreus and the Dwarfs who were uninteresting in the 2018 game now have grown on me, i would even say that the entire plot and story is interesting BECAUSE of Atreus. I like that we get to play with Atreus as well and his fighting style is different in a way that fits him well. There are way better bosses in this one than 2018, there is more variaty as well, the end game content is better imo than 2018 and in fact i don't think that there is 1 thing that 2018 one does better than ragnarok. I wasn't that high on 2018 as most people even though i liked the game. So i went in this one a bit sceptical but i can't deny that its either the best or the second best in the entire series (along with gow 3). The ending of the story is touching.

negatives: Platinum was a bit of a grind, there were way too many puzzles, i would prefer it if there were a bit fewer and less compact. You fight then you solve a puzzle throughout the whole game. Sometimes i wanted the fighting to continue for a bit longer before i had to encounter another puzzle and its not that i don't like them, some of the were very good. Its just that the game gives you the answer for many of them so they are kinda pointless. A secondary character often will give you the answer before you have the time to even process the area. Its obvious that the game wants you to continue fast so it will show you what it does best (the story and the fights). I just wish they didn't give me the answer of the puzzle on their own. Or that fast.

Overall, its negatives are minor especially if you don't go for the platinum. (Although i do recommend doing the side missions because they are good and one even unlocks you a very big and completly optional area that you will not see if you don't do that side mission. It gives you some more information about the story and has some nice fights. I also recommend the end game content with the valkyrie and the berserkers. I think its better than 2018's).

Lastly, when you beat the final boss there are a few other missions that are worth experiencing. Its about a character you will grow close to.

Reviewed on Aug 19, 2023
