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3 major problem :
1. No auto-aiming. Even in RE1 you have auto-aiming. Aiming with the controller is VERY BAD. In a game with so few resources, in particular ammos, good aiming is VERY IMPORTANT.
2. First boss, adds. The worse decision possible.
3. The "lighter" mechanic of RE1 is not a good idea when you have not understood the mechanic and make all enemies repop to punish the player. Even in RE1 this is not a good idea, so much they have removed it on the 2 game. If you want to put some pressure on the player, there are plenty other smart ways to do it.

Ultimately : the game has a lot of potential, very good ambiance and seems to have a very very good story.
But when you milk so much from an other game, a famous game like RE1, the least you can do is do it properly.

Reviewed on Dec 24, 2023


5 months ago

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