B-Cubed 1999

Log Status






Time Played


Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

March 25, 2024

Platforms Played


Played with the express purpose of logging on here and pissing off a friend who gets annoyed every time I log a flash game on Backloggd. Perhaps you think I'd use this story to argue for the value of shorter games, to say the very idea someone considers this not worthy of logging shows the valuation of games is largely to do with breadth. Perhaps I'd pen a deeply passionate point about how our industry's lust for quantity over quality is so thoroughly infectious it has corrupted us down to our very thought process. Down to what we consider 'reasonable to write a review of on Backloggd.com.'

But no. I'm only logging this out of spite. Blair. Buddy. I know you're reading this. Get fucking rolled.