A very fun, very tactile horde shooter where the evil creatures make an orgasmic splotch sound and pop into a pile of green goo whenever you shoot them with your large explosive weaponry. Then, if you hold your controller wrong (or right, depending on the kind of guy you are), when you let off the nuclear warhead to complete the mission, the haptic feedback of the PS5 controller tickles your balls with the force of ten thousand Suns. Will wonders never cease?

As of right now, my major problem is the mission design. It's just far too shallow. I can't envision, in its current state, being compelled to reach for any of the higher-difficulty missions, or much of anything past a couple of sessions a week with the lads. But I do love the lads. Big points for the lads. The lads would probably get an 8. Maybe even an 8.5!

I'm sure this will get deeper with time (live service games always get better with time! honk honk) but at the end of the day, will it ever actually be more fun than sitting in call and playing fart sounds over a soundboard? I have my doubts.

This is all beside the point. I don't care about any of it. I don't play video games, let alone this one, and I'm not entirely sure what the term even refers to. But I do sometimes pop in a movie or two. Robocop. Seen it? Pretty good! I hear that guy made a couple of other movies.

Calling this an homage to Starship Troopers is like calling Fistful of Dollars an homage to Yojimbo, or Peter Dutton an homage to Joh Bjelke-Petersen. It's just stealing all the same moves the first guy already did. Not to diss on plagiarism. A lot of talk online recently about plagiarism, but not nearly enough people saying what we're all really thinking. Plagiarism rocks! The legal act of theft of copyright is awesome at least 80% of the time. Where I have issues with Helldivers 2, relative to something like Fistful, is that there's no riffing on the material at all. At least that movie transposes the (shot-for-shot recreation of the) material into a new genre setting and aesthetic sensibility. It is not just Yojimbo, it is Cowboy Yojimbo. It's not much of a take, but it's a take! And they still got sued! And lost! Arrowhead has no take on the material of Starship Troopers, they just regurgitate Starship Troopers at you. Same suits, same humour, same gooey bugs. Perhaps they do not directly include lines like "I'm doing my part!" But spiritually, every line is "I'm doing my part!" This could conceivably be titled Starship Troopers: The Game and nothing would need to change. That's just lazy to me, and I'm confused I haven't seen even one person bring up the link as a negative. But as I've said before, this opens the door for the unauthorised Benedetta mobile trading card game we've all been waiting for. So it's hard to see it as anything but a net win.

Overall, the first First-Party Sony game of the decade to interest me more than Failarmy videos or an underheated bowl of still-semi-solid instant ramen. Congrats!

Reviewed on Mar 10, 2024
