Super Metroid represents some of the peaks and most of the valleys Metroidvania's as a whole can have. While in the endgame you will feel like an unstoppable tank barreling at super speeds uninhibited by the mortal plain. In the early and mid-game, you will be a traveler that is lost because a vendor sold you a faulty map then kicks you in the shins and runs off just to occasionally kick you again when you thought you found a path forward (but really it was just another missile tank or dead end).
A quality I think is especially worthy of praise though is the Screw Attack and Freeze Beam represent exactly what makes a good Metroidvania upgrade. Something that not only increases the power of the player but also expands their freedom of movement and ability to progress. Unfortunately in this game they only appear after such an unpleasant experience.

Reviewed on Apr 11, 2023
