Thief 2014

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A more damning way to view Thief 2014 other than just a shitty Thief game is that it's an accumulation of every single bad stealth game mechanic/trend that got popular from the 7th console generation. Levels needing to be split up by segmented loading areas because of the prioritization for graphical fidelity over gameplay, "Bamham Arkham" detective vision and UI elements like waypoints being mandatory to use because the levels would be incomprehensible otherwise, audio design is woefully underutilized so it's near impossible to hear enemies walking right towards you (apparently the late 90s stealth game doesn't have this issue), the use of repetitive animations that eats up the player's time, QTEs, bad action setpieces, shitty boss fights (or in this case, the only boss fight), it's all here in it's awful glory.

At it's best, it made me feel like I'm playing a mediocre level from Thief 3. At its worst, it reminds me that The Black Parade and The Dark Mod are FREE, yet this is a retail product for over a decade now.

People will remember Eidos Montreal for making okay-ish Deus Ex sequels and lament the fact they aren't making a new one. I'll always remember these people made one of the worst stealth games in existence and will probably be indifferent when they become another Embracer victim.