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HevAug played Selaco

1 day ago

HevAug reviewed Selaco
Takes all the important aspects of FEAR (enemy encounters that are unique with specific enemy callouts, Hong Kong shootout levels of environmental destruction/particle effects, and incredibly punchy weapons) and sticks it into levels a lot more reminiscent of Build Engine games with good progression flow, interaction, and interconnected to other levels in a way that doesn't (so far) make back tracking annoying.

A review already complained about the level design, so you know it's a great sign!

1 day ago

HevAug is now playing Selaco

1 day ago

HevAug completed System Shock

6 days ago

HevAug reviewed Sonar Shock
Terrible SS1 spiritual successor (all movement is stripped down to tank controls, UI is ironically clunkier to use than ANY version of SS1, levels and progression are nowhere near as well executed, PONG hacking mini game is a waste of time), okay survival horror game (scavenging for items and equipment felt meaningful, number of enemy types are decent, visuals sell the setting and how dark it can get).

Wait until the dev fixes the framerate performance and does more bug fixing before buying it, framerate can hit single digits at times.

7 days ago

HevAug completed Sonar Shock

7 days ago

HevAug reviewed Marathon
Don't love it, but I think it's worth playing if you like older FPS games (especially with the recent convenience of Aleph One being free on Steam). Atmosphere and writing were solid and I actually enjoyed navigating a decent number of the levels, some of the level gimmicks/switch hunting aside (G4 Sunbathing and Habe Quiddam can get thrown into a volcano).

Shooting was the only thing I was very so-so on. Only really enjoyed shooting two guns (even if all of them are useful) and enemy encounters tend to be samey with few surprises.

14 days ago

HevAug completed Marathon

14 days ago

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