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1 day

Last played

March 22, 2022

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Yet another very solid game that I just don't feel compelled by. It's a roguelite-roguelike, meaning the core is a classic turn-based roguelike in the oldschool style, with some modern roguelite mechanics like permanent unlocks, and it plays well on a base level and gets even better once you figure out the blink system. It feels like kind of a makeshift solution to the fact that you can't attack diagonally in this game, but it still works out and teleporting around the room to try to keep your stun combo up is good fun. The game also has a pleasant artstyle that's perhaps not amazing, but has enough of that quirky charm to be appealing.

However, there are two major problems that make me want to just give up after only four hours: lack of variety and pace. The runs feel very samey since the most deciding factor are your familiars, and there are only a few of those and many chances to pick one, so you basically always end up running with some of your favorites. There are tons of weapons, but really only the weapon type matters, and I found that I was mostly having fun with spear-type weapons, blinking and familiar skills. Wait, that leads me into a third problem I forgot to mention: doing the above is just way too easy. Enter a room, pop off a skill that damages the entire room and then wait for the enemies to walk into spear range one by one.

The second, or I guess third, problem is the speed. The game's just too damn slow for me. Slow movement, slow animations as you open chests and even slow teleportation as you use the Gungeon-style room transfer mechanic. If this had that beautiful, wonderful option from Gensou Wanderer, the one for raising the speed of everything in the game by 4X, I would've played it to completion, but when every run feels very similar and the pace is low, I just get too bored too quickly and want something else.

Did enjoy my time with it and do recommend the game to anyone who wants a classic roguelike without ASCII graphics and can take a low pace, but I'm gonna have to bail out and find something more to my tastes.