Not usually my typical fare, but a friend of mine really wanted me to be their group's fourth, so I was, and I enjoyed myself for most of the evenings after work for a few weeks before everyone got bored. It's a fine game with many fun ideas, and seemingly a developer that wants to make good games, but it's also been a buggy mess since launch and even though we had lots of laughs during those first few weeks, the laughter over accidentally blowing each other up with ridiculous space ordinance does subside and what's left is a game where you run between markers to try to grind materials so you can unlock things in your spaceship base that you never really use and I found myself bored pretty quickly after that initial joy subsided. Good for laughs and blowing some alien bugs up for a few weeks, but also felt pretty shallow and, at the time of release, was definitely a broken mess where almost nothing worked and half the game wasn't implemented. Good times with friends, but perhaps not the religious experience that hype would have you believe it is.

Reviewed on May 10, 2024
