I've tried twice on PC and now twice on console and I just can't get into this game. I guess it's the added layer of another dimension; having to do all of this survival game busywork while also having to deal with floating and how resources can be located anywhere in a full sphere around you. It just makes everything feel like that much of a chore. It doesn't help that all the cool discoveries in this game are far away and it feels like there's nothing especially cool to find in the vicinity of your pod. Just a load of survival busywork of having to constantly gather up Bladderfish to drink and hauling metal scrap back and forth. I usually like that in a lot of these games, but here it all feels like too much of a chore for me and add the fact that the game doesn't offer an in-game map for some unfathomable reason and I'm going to go ahead and peace out for the final time.

Played a lof of this without ever really liking it. It's just kind of boring, isn't it? Just down, down, down, move a little to the left, down, down, and hope you find air. Yet, I did for some reason spend many hours on it on both Dreamcast and 360. Well, I wanted that completion on 360 but I didn't enjoy most of my time with it. It's fun at first but just gets old so quickly.

I was sold a farming and crafting game by the store description, but what I got was a fetch quest game with endless running back and forth.

I liked it at first. I picked Sweden, appreciated that the game generated appropriate names and looks for my team, designed my logo and jerseys and set out to conquer the eSports world. Or apparently just League of Legends since this game is only about competing in one game. Except here it's called League of...whatever.

Conquering League of Whatever was indeed fun at first, for the first half of the tournaments, but it soon became tedious as it dawned on me that the game is nothing more than this. Analyze enemy team, strategize the gameplan, train it out and repeat until requirements fulfilled, then hype the match up for the time remaining. Repeat for every day in the game. Just gets kinda boring, doesn't it?

(Plus, the PS4 version crashes all the damn time. Boo.)

Just boring. There are no actual items, there's just gold you use to upgrade stats between floors, so every run is the same and they get old quickly. Meta progression seemed very barebones with just a few unlocks that cost a billion tokens each. Pass.

All you do is mash buttons and give yourself RSI, but as far as that goes, it's pretty damn good.

This game is pretty much the actual worst, and yet I spent so many hours on it as a kid. I'm pretty sure that this game is why I'm cynical as an adult. I remember playing that dreadful first level over and over and at least somewhat enjoying the second level. I'm not sure I ever got further than like the fourth level since it not only sucks, it's annoyingly hard too. Do not play this game!

Hated and loved this game so much as a kid.

Played the hell out of this as a kid, even though I remember that I would've given about this score even back then. I was just in kid mode of replaying the same game over and over even though it was just OK. Haven't replayed since and don't want to! Nostalgia will remain.

Very much enjoyed the game at first, but after a dozen hours or two and having completed a few dungeons, I'm just not feeling it anymore. The art is gorgeous and moody, the combat is solid and fun, but I'm just not enjoying the way the game handles stamina management and how frustrating it feels when enemies interrupt your attacks when stamina is so limited. It doesn't help that this, again, feels like playing a demo where I have to unlock the full game, and the unlocks are so expensive too. Just seems like a case of a solid game that I'm not really vibing with and I just want to move on.

Fantastic roguelike-roguelite with massive amounts of content, but also a very serious issue with crashes and corrupted saves. Losing progress always sucks, but it's so much worse in a game like this, where even with daily back-ups, you might've found a mega-rare drop that is now gone and going forward with that knowledge just sours the whole experience. Excellent game that is unfortunately unplayable in this abandoned state.

If it's not obvious, this game did the worst thing a game can do to you... It just randomly crashed in the middle of a session and said crash corrupted my 50-hour save. PSN hadn't even created an automatic back-up and I wasn't expecting a 2010-era game to delete its own save, so I lost everything and refused to start over.

Yet I'm still going to be a big enough sucker to buy the Reloaded version next time it's on sale, even though I really shouldn't give them more money, in case it fixes this problem and is playable. That's how good the actual game is!

Pretty perfect PSN game for me. It's enjoyable and pretty fun, but not something I'll want to play to completion, and is a good diversion on a day when I had nothing better to play and it was this month's PSN game anyway. Good for a few hours of fun before you uninstall and forget about having played it.

It has to be noted that this game has a very strange decision in that the console version defaults to a terrible 30fps that makes the game feel awful to play. It's the kind of framerate drop that really feels like it matters. Switch to 60fps mode ("performance") in options, and it's like playing a much better game.

This game is fine on PC, but not on PS4. I originally did it on PC when it came out and quite liked the game. It's not very original and feels like a fairly generic Isaac clone, in how the game and dungeon progresses more so than item content, but it's enjoyable and a neatly short little excursion, which I appreciated. However, the PS4 version has several inexcusable bugs, most notably randomly appearing invisible walls that stop you from moving suddenly and making you take unfair damage. Simply unacceptable in a game that's so stingy with healing items. It doesn't affect the gameplay as much, but the game has a massive problem with twitchy, glitchy graphics on PS4 as well. Neither issue is present on PC from what I can remember.

So, PC version is a solid 3/5 game. PS4 version is a 1/5 that should be avoided.

This game is all right. It's fine. It plays okay, like a worse Souls with a fun mechanic or two (like targeting limbs in order to try to get them to drop), but I don't have time in my life for a game that's a just okay Souls and so I'm giving up on it and tagging it as abandoned. What really made me say fuck it was the really boring first boss and then finding out that the whole game takes place in the same building complex. Both just made the game seem boring and so uninstalled it was.