Charming and thoughtful (as well as thought-provoking) little game that unfortunately suffers as a game. The story, essentially about facing death, is strong and sad, and the gameplay starts out almost as strong, with so many things to build, upgrade, craft, cook or fish and so much running around testing recipies, cutting crops and building more farms, but towards the end and for the final few hours, it became apparent that there isn't really all that much to find out there and there isn't much of a reason to build a farm large enough to cover the largest ship, because there's nothing to really find, buy or upgrade. Every chest, that you finally get access to hours after spotting it and through ability upgrades, just has seeds you already have in it. the shops also only sell seeds and the secret powers you unlock at the very end, depending on in what order you do things, end up serving little to no purpose since there's no big final goal.

There is no end boss of platforming challenge, there is nothing cool to find in the world, there is no gold-tier seed to grow. The game just sort of ends. It's very pretty, has a sad story and is a lot of compelling fun for the first half, or maybe a little more, until you realize that it's all amounting to nothing on a gameplay level. The story ends up being nice and sweet and I won't spoil any of it, and the story is the focus of this game, but then there are so many mechanics, for a story game, that I ended up missing a few more to really take it all home. Should've had more mechanics and less story or vice versa, probably vice versa even though I would've liked that less.

I've given this so many chances over the years, and there is so much here that I like, but at this point, I just have to accept that this is my final attempt and that I will never really get along with this game. While it does a lot I love, especially the teleportation and how that changes how you traverse a given floor, I just can't into the flow of the combat with reloads and very limited ammo. I would've liked this game so much more had it not had those things. Great game that's not for me.

Would've paid full price again for a DLC that lets me disable the Asteroids-style controls. Would've loved this game had it had standard dualstick controls.

Played pretty woefully poorly on PC with a controller. Planning to give it another chance and possibly rewrite this on PS4, at some point.

Both of these games have the same strengths and weaknesses. Addictive and fun core gameplay, but clearly designed to be pay-to-win mobile games with none of the grind removed for the PC port even though the microtransactions are gone. The game quickly becomes and unplayable grind.

Both of these games have the same strengths and weaknesses. Addictive and fun core gameplay, but clearly designed to be pay-to-win mobile games with none of the grind removed for the PC port even though the microtransactions are gone. The game quickly becomes and unplayable grind.

Do you need anything other than the title to know that this is a pretentious game that's far up its own ass? What is even supposed to be wrong with shaders?

Very cool aesthetics and sense of mystery, with quirky game design to match, but the game rewards you for literally constantly mashing the attack button and it physically hurt me to play this game with that incredible amount of constant mashing.

It's Qix but (slightly) expanded and with a fantasy setting. I can dig it.

Very good game that I can't stand because I don't have that natural rhythm and doing everything on beat is extremely exhausting for me.

Probably the best time management games I've played, but that isn't saying a whole lot since they're all very similar. These sequels are all the exact same, with perhaps some tiny minor differences, so I'm just going to paste the same review.

Probably the best time management games I've played, but that isn't saying a whole lot since they're all very similar. These sequels are all the exact same, with perhaps some tiny minor differences, so I'm just going to paste the same review.

Probably the best time management games I've played, but that isn't saying a whole lot since they're all very similar. These sequels are all the exact same, with perhaps some tiny minor differences, so I'm just going to paste the same review.

Probably the best time management games I've played, but that isn't saying a whole lot since they're all very similar. These sequels are all the exact same, with perhaps some tiny minor differences, so I'm just going to paste the same review.

Probably the best time management games I've played, but that isn't saying a whole lot since they're all very similar. These sequels are all the exact same, with perhaps some tiny minor differences, so I'm just going to paste the same review.