I just can't get over Squall.
JK it was really the random battles.

Decent characters and plot, it goes around in circles a bit too much sometimes and the ending felt a bit too rushed, but its a great adventure and truly feels like the world grows along with you.

Boring plot and characters, ok dugeons and combat.

A bit repetitive but fine. A decent amount of pain.

Great soundtrack & great challenge.

Chill game for 2 players, easy so you can focus on griefing each other. A bit too easy for 1 player

As with most SNES games, looks good but feels like pulling nails.

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I have repressed memories about this game, it's not just painful from level 1, it's incredibly long, I almost finished it as a kid, but I got stuck at the last stage, I was shooting at the ships instead of the lasers and got destroyed every time.

Incredible graphics and animations, horrible level design, the later levels are just not fun, only pain.

Decent graphics, horrible maze design levels.

A game where as long as you are not eaten by wildlife or die of starvation you will be fine, there is no story or plot, but many places to see and friends to make.