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Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

May 2, 2023

First played

May 1, 2023

Platforms Played


Genre: Robot Beat’em up | Released: 1994 | Platform: Arcade | Developer: Capcom | Publisher: Capcom | Language: English | Length: 1 hour | Difficulty: moderate to hard | Do I Need To Play Anything First: Naw Dawg | Accessibility Options: None, like most arcade games | Monetization: Insert Quarter Now | Microtransaction: Please, give me more quarters | Gambling Elements: None | Content Warning: Cartoon violence | Parenting Guide: Cartoon Robot Warfare, so as long as you don’t think about it it’s fine for 10 and up | How Did You Play It: Via my MAME set up | Did you need a guide: Nope | Mods: None

Is It Good: Easy breezy fun.

Back of the Box: Like mechs? Like fighting robots? Got quarters?

Armored Warriors is a Capcom brawler through and through. Bombastic combat, wonderful spritework, excitingly brisk pacing, and so hungry for quarters.

I booted it up in mild curiosity, and unintentionally ended up playing all the way through. Then I played it again a few days later. It’s just great classic arcade fun.

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