Genre: immersive sim, fps | Released: June 2000 | Platform: PC, PS2 (but like, don’t play this version) | Developer: Ion Storm | Publisher: Eidos Interactive | Language: English | Length: 25-40 hours | Difficulty: Medium, but you can make it much harder | Do I Need To Play Anything First: Nope | Accessibility Options: You can turn on auto aim, but there are limited options | Monetization: Single purchase (often goes on sale for like a buck) | Microtransaction: None | Gambling Elements: None | Content Warning: Language, drug use, violence | Parenting Guide: Rated M for mature, and I agree | How Did You Play It: On my PC, with a modded version of the Game of the Year edition | Did you need a guide: Once, I could not for the life of me find a data pad which ended up being on a shelf. I felt… not smart| Mods: I started with his guide from PC gamer and played GMDX

Is It Good: It’s a classic, and I grew to love it.

Back of the Box: See the game that changed the world.

I’m going to tell you to play Deus Ex. It’s one of the most important games released, and earns its place among the pantheon of classics. BUT, please note it is an old PC game from the year 2000, and temper your expectations accordingly. This game expects you to save scum, and be prepared for CLUNKY game play.

But past that, you will find an astoundingly deep game with expansive levels, interesting choices, and a huge amount of player freedom. Each level feels like its own world, and I loved exploring rooms, streets, and hallways while reading other people's emails. This was great, and I now understand why people have such reverence for this game.

Reviewed on Aug 25, 2023
