73 Reviews liked by Hoppo

I had so much fun with his game. There was never a dull moment playing this. The gameplay was great, and the platforming was an absolute blast. An open-world Mario game is something I didn't know I wanted till I played this game and saw how well done it is. Also, being able to play with a second player and cooperate on the platforming was innovative, and I loved it. The soundtrack for the game was also excellent.

mario controls as smooth as ever and cap jumps are something i never knew i needed

Gosh darn it I love this game so much it's just overall great.

one of the best ys games in the serie
u wont regret a minute u waste playing it

So. This went F2P on Steam during a Weekend. By monday I had around 30h on it and had already bought this amazing game from the Ys saga. One of my favourite JRPGs I have ever played.

The standard against which all other DLCs should be compared.

This was unbelievably good. The battle system felt more refined than XC2, the music was god tier, and the story was damn near perfect. I was a little annoyed by the way the game intentionally dragged itself out at the end (looking at you Community system) but it's a minor gripe compared to just how fucking good this game was. A masterpiece.

Excellent game, hopefully they make more with Rivet as well.

One of the best open-world RPGs of the 2010-2020 era

Amazing prequel that adds more context to the world before the events of XC2. At first, the mandatory side quests seem like a slog, but it starts to become a worthwhile and fun thing to do to pass time! Combat system is also different from XC2, and I personally love the changes.

One of the greatest gaming experiences I've ever had. Engaging story, character development, fun challenges (mostly) and an incredible final boss level. Even in a post- Splat 3 world, this is still the peak of the series.