Honestly, the game did kinda feel fun at first. I was having a decent enough time, but the more I played, I think the more I realized this game seriously lacks its own identity.
Inspiration in games is something extremely important, and every good game is inspired by a multitude of other great media. But "inspiration" becomes a problem if it shifts from its original definition to basically making someone else's product, but practically worse in every way.
If people stop referring to a game as its own thing and are referring to it like "its just like this other game!", I think there's an issue.
And speaking of that, you will probably notice everyone, even the positive reviews on steam talk about this game in the context of "its just like hollow knight!" "its hollow knight but with robots!" "cute game to pass the time until silksong"
And they are right, it is just like hollow knight, too much like it, I think.
This game takes everything Hollow Knight has done, barely puts an effort to putting a creative spin on anything, makes the experience just less fluid, less fun in comparison, and calls it a day.
And on top of that, it has the gall to be more expensive than the game it's taking most, if not everything from, which is nuts to me.

And speaking of Hollow Knight, not like it's a game that came up with all of its concepts on its own. It's not a game that reinvents the wheel, nor does things no game ever has done before, after all. It just crafts its world and gameplay with such care and polish that it manages to stand out above the rest of its competitors, and even manages to hold a candle to the very things it took inspiration from. It puts fun spins to its mechanics, it makes movement and fighting super fluid and fun, it makes its world interesting, worth caring about. It doesn't present many new ideas, but it presents the ideas it has with excellent craftsmanship and incredible polish.

This game on the other hand, takes everything it can from hollow knight, from its mechanics to its basic enemies, makes it all feel clunkier, feel worse, does not attempt to do anything interesting. The systems don't feel fully thought out, like the healing system, which is basically a carbon copy of hollow knight's healing system, except instead of substance acquired by hitting things, you use your currency to heal. Not only does this not feel like an innovative or challenging spin one bit; because all it does is force you to grind basic enemies before attempting a boss fight, it's also near-useless, with how damn slow the healing is. Most times, especially during boss fights, you are better off not attempting to use it, because it puts you in danger more than it helps you.
And speaking of currency, the bank system the game has for its currency makes you deposit all of it at once, for some reason; without letting you choose how much you want to store. You can awkwardly hit the pole-thing next to the banks to slowly get a part of what you deposited back, but why make the player go through that hassle?
It feels in a rush to give you its upgrades, you get the wall jump ability maybe 5 minutes at best after your starting tutorial. Why not start the game with it then? What's the point of teasing you with places you cant reach 2 minutes into the game, if you will be able to reach then anyways in the next 3 minutes.
The chips (charm system of this game) don't seem creative either, with a lot of early game chips i found literally being carbon copies of hollow knight charms like longnail or gathering swarm. (Not to say longnail or gathering swarm from hollow knight are the most exciting or creative ideas ever, they are pretty basic. It just becomes a glaring issue here and frustrating when the game already takes enough from hollow knight as is, so the lack of any original ideas stands out even moreso.)
The game's lore and story is not interesting and does not spark your curiosity enough to find out more about it, it's characters don't feel distinct or alive either. I found very little reason to care about anything happening. It's another "peaceful land turned evil by bad virus" story we've all heard a thousand times, but feels even more egregious when the game is already borrowing from hollow knight so much as is.
Lastly, more of a minor nitpick that still takes you out of the game a lot, the text font does not match the game's style whatsoever. You have a game made with pretty decent low-res pixel art, meanwhile the text font you use for stuff like dialogue, character names, item descriptions etc. is basic Arial. It's an utterly strange decision to not give this game a font matching with it's art style, and it's just distracting.

Overall, this game feels like an attempt to make a hollow knight lite, which I would not be so harsh towards again if not for the fact that this game costs more to purchase than hollow knight, and you have zero reason to play this game over that. It does nothing better, it does nothing in a more charming way, and I wish it was more than a game that is "a cute game just like hollow knight!!"
A big shame too, I was really looking forward to it.

Reviewed on May 28, 2022


2 years ago

I really liked reading your thoughts and couldn't agree with you more. I also think you have a good point mentioning the price of the game. I was wondering about this from the beginning too. In my opinion, after finishing the game, Haiku is worth its price. I would argue that Hollow Knight is just way too cheap for what it offers.

1 year ago

Well TBF, every metroidvania sucks compared to Hollow Knight, and every video game in general