This game is fine I guess, The original is still leagues better in my opinion but I'm slowly starting to appreciate this game a little more. The worlds are beautiful, if not sometimes even a little more beautiful than the original. The combat is fun, but my main issue is that there is too many mechanics that are overexplained to the point where I'm confused and need to watch videos on it. It's fun and strategic when it works, but I would say I fully understood everything about battling until half way through the game. Another issue is the weird pacing issues. There are moments where the central story grinds to a halt to focus on a sub plot I frankly don't really care about. The original had subplots, but it wasn't at the expense of the story, where these subplots occur but you get scenes still pushing the main plot and introducing new revelations and mysteries. The cast is also inferior. Besides Maybe Zeke, Nia, and Jin, none of the characters personally gel with me. The original was smart by making the nopon character more comedic relief, however they spend like an hour or two completely stopping the story just so he can have a moment. It's still decent, but I'd say only check this one out if you are familiar with rpg's (To be fair, I'm still a bit of a newcomer in the genre)

Reviewed on Nov 04, 2020
