It is yet another Ratchet & Clank game, pretty much. You know what you're getting; it's what they've done consistently for about 20 years, but man the formula just clicks.

There's more I could say about this game & get into the intricacies of it compared to the others in the series, but this broadly did not deviate too much from the tried-and-true formula of [ hoovering up thousands of bolts/big arsenal of varied weapons to use tactically/wacky designs & rubbery animation/simple but solid & funny plot ], aka a Ratchet & Clank game. It is just a little tiresome this also jumped on the whole multiverse bandwagon, but it's kept fairly well contained & doesn't feel as much like a gimmick as it could. It's also a visually stunning game: able to keep the recognizable art style & keep designs easy to follow with an incredible amount of fidelity/animation quality. I think this is also a good balance of difficulty: not too easy playing on a medium setting but a lot more forgiving than some of the earlier entries. Had some issues with the Zurkon Jr. challenges getting more annoying than fulfilling, but they are able to push through & aren't extreme spikes in difficulty.

Can't say for sure if it's the best Ratchet & Clank game (again, they are all very similar & there's a lot of them so I'd really need to dig in to find the best one) but it definitely delivers on what would be promised in a good modern entry into the series. If you like the series, you like this.

Reviewed on May 26, 2024
