"Why does it have a Online Multiplayer mode? Why is it kinda good?"

In my recent Helldivers 2 review, I briefly mentioned that gone are the days when, for some reason, you would find games with multiplayer modes tackled in. Sometimes, these modes weren't even as polished as the base game, and their servers, for the most part, were pretty lackluster, although that later part is more difficult to confirm for me since I have third world internet, FWIW all of those games probably had shitty servers only on my end. But anyways, let's reminisce for a while about an age before rotating FOMO Item shops, battle passes and seasonal models got in here to ruin a big portion of multiplayer games

The Last of Us
The Last of Us
Factions was probably my favorite multiplayer game of the PS3, thanks to the mechanics of the base game, it turns out Naughty Dog found a fantastic way to translate them into a pvp enviornment, while offering more options to the players in terms of weapons and equipment.

It was also very satisfying to play, there was nothing better than lob a Molotov to an enemy player that was trying to heal his teammate and taking both down
Grand Theft Auto IV
Grand Theft Auto IV
GTA IV's Multiplayer mode, walked, run and drove before GTA Online would fly, instead of working like this weird MMO, GTA IV was more lobby focused, and with separate game modes for everyone to enjoy.
Tomb Raider
Tomb Raider
Another one I look back fondly and at the same time with hatred, because its multiplayer community died down before I could get the Platinum Trophy

Anyways, Tomb Raider had a pretty standard version of a multiplayer pvp mode where, just like TLOU, it implemented the mechanics of the base game into it pretty well.
BioShock 2
BioShock 2
I did my best to try to like this one, but every match felt like I was being put against people that had played since release, and just gazing my eyes upon them would have made me receive an Electroshock + Crossbow bolt to the face, so I grew out of it quite quickly
Batman: Arkham Origins
Batman: Arkham Origins
Is there a lore reason why they put a multiplayer mode in a Batman Arkham game? Probably not but it had quite a unique spin since it was just not two teams playing against each other, but there were also two other players wearing the cape and being a nuisance for the ones playing as thugs, eventually, if one of the sides was good enough, they could call in their leader (Joker or Bane) and turn the tides in their favor
Assassin's Creed Brotherhood
Assassin's Creed Brotherhood
I never played it, I only knew it was there
Mass Effect 3
Mass Effect 3
While I never played it myself, I know for a fact that if I left this one out, it would have been a matter of time before someone in the site told me to add it in, apparently its very well remembered by the community it had
Tron: Evolution
Tron: Evolution
Old licensed games, my beloved, I had a weird fixation on this one and I got it mostly because I wanted to live the dream I had of actually playing one of those light bike demolition derbies and this game kind of fulfilled that, it's just that no one played them overall!
Fat Princess
Fat Princess
The only good MOBA ever made


1 month ago

Yeah the Brotherhood multiplayer was a surprising time. First online mutliplayer I ever played and boy were people impatient in it, just running around and not even attempting to blend in.

1 month ago

Bayonetta 2

1 month ago

i saw my brother playing uncharted 4 online multiplayer, i was surprised lol he was actually having a good time

1 month ago

I genuinely only liked Mass Effect 3 multiplayer because it let you play as anything other than a human for once.

1 month ago

Someone else who played Tron Evolution? And the multiplayer? Be still my heart that game was a game.

1 month ago

Factions in TLOU is so much fun. I have a lot of good memories with my buds playing this game.
ME3 was so much fun and I was so disappointed the Legendary Edition didn't include it. I started TLOUs like right before it all got shut down and regret not trying it earlier. AC3 i'm assuming had similar multiplayer to Brotherhood and I spent more time on that than the story mode

1 month ago

@ToastySol It's a nice memory from when 12 year old me was big into the franchise solely because of its cool factor, and that game scratched the itch for more content from it well enough

@tanman it was, I think its because of Factions that I had a long arc of multiplayer competitive games
@KungFuCanOfSoup Isn't it accessible on the PS4 Remaster? I know it was not included in the PS5 Remake (god that feels so icky to type down lmao) but I think Factions isnt entirely dead

1 month ago

Tomb Raider was just a rip off mode of Uncharted, even the lobbies and end screens were identical, it was kind of shameless. Bioshock 2, Assassins Creed and Mass Effect though were all fantastic though and had unique mechanics.

don't forget Dead Space 2's multiplayer where you could play as a wall crawling tentacle baby!
kid icarus uprising is a pretty good example of this imo

1 month ago

Mass effect 3 multiplayer is one of those things that I didn't realize people actually cared about until I read about it in mass effect communities. I found it pretty forgettable honestly.

1 month ago

@novabrightstar GOD OF COURSE, HOW COULD I FORGET ABOUT THAT ONE, I'm sure half of my playtime on that game is from the Multiplayer, it was so fucking good

1 month ago

I 100% AC Brotherhood's achievements, if you know you know...
@HunterMask oooo maybe. I only ever played it on PS3 so you're probably right

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