It's so nice to see you.

Lies of P is a game that takes inspiration from the best of the genre and keeps it very close to its heart, if you have ever played Bloodborne, you will know how many things they are similar to each other, and yet how much the game focus on doing its own thing. (also, since I don't like to make comparisons, this will be the last time I bring up Bloodborne)

Inspired by Carlo Collodi's Pinnochio, the idea of having a Souls game that uses a fairy tale as its source material might sound a bit silly, hard to take seriously, and might make anyone wonder how the fuck can you pull it off and actually make it work, turns out that Jiwon Choi and the team at NEOWIZ knew how to, and I'm very glad they did! In fact, now I want more things to hit public domain, so people can do great stuff like this! (instead of just generic slasher slop films)

But what makes Lies of P so good? For starters, it's simply just fun to play, it rewards almost any playstyle you like focusing on, weapons are extremely unique, and they rarely play the same. You are going to spend a lot of resources trying new weapons and changing them over and over, and on top of that, the system allows you to change the movesets and scalings of weapons you might want to use but don't really fit your build which I think it's a very nice thing that I hope to see its more used in the subgenre, mix them up with your Legion Arm of choice, and you have a very fun gameplay loop, though, if you don't pick Puppet String, what are you honestly doing with your life?

Gameplay is not the only forte of LoP as it also has a very fascinating story and worldbuilding that relies less on the player piecing it together and just being more upfront while telling it, while still being careful of keeping you guessing where it will go next.

If I had to say which nitpicks I have with the game, is that aside from a specific few, boss themes don't really stand out, and on the later half of the game, bosses get so fucking high on crack that in order for you to keep up you probably have to do the same, but that's also because I was playing a heavy build so the urge of going unga bunga with everything would get the best of me time and time again.

Overall, if you like Fromsoftware's Souls games, play this one, because this is as close as it gets to being as polished as one of them.

Reviewed on Jan 13, 2024


5 months ago

i still have no idea why they choose that specific voice actor to do the damn cricket. ITS SO OFF, MAN

5 months ago

@ximitbaka I think he does a nice enough performance that comes off as very charismatic! But from all the puppets, he's the one that definitely sounds the least robotic and I get why it can sound off