saying video games shouldn't tackle tough topics while having silent hill 2 at a 5/5 is very smooth-brained.

team silent is gone and you need to accept that.

Reviewed on Feb 01, 2024


no one is saying video games shouldn't tackle difficult subjects

3 months ago

ah yes, i made that up to specifically get your attention. there aren't multiple reviews on this game that are LITERALLY saying that... i'm just lying to solely get under your skin. i'm sorry, my bad whoops. :3c
They're saying they shouldn't tackle heavy subjects when they dont know what they're doing since apparently it's a pretty bad portrayal of mental illness
no, the argument people are making here is that these tough topics should be handled with a level of tact and nuance that this game clearly lacks. there’s zero finesse with the way this game handles these subjects and comes off as distasteful and lazy.

you’re purposely misrepresenting what people are saying here, literally no one here is arguing that difficult subject matter shouldn’t be tackled.

3 months ago

They literally said that in their reviews. I'm not gonna debate you about a free-to-play game that takes two hours to complete. You think what you want, and I'll do the same. Now, shoo! Get outta here! Go on now, GIT!

3 months ago

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