(Minor Spoilers)

Ryo gets ¥300 per crate he moves with the forklift. That might not sound great but let's really do the math:

The first few warehouses are very close to the crates. In real time, it would probably take me three minutes at most to move one. That's twenty an hour, which is ¥6000. In an eight hour work day, that would be ¥48000 per day. Adjusted for inflation (the game takes place in 1986) and factoring out the two hour lunch break, that's about ¥44,534 per day. That's about $319, or £253. Per day. For driving a forklift.

Reviewed on Jun 12, 2023


7 months ago

I can't tell whether Nintendo buffed Link or nerfed the Master Sword

7 months ago

@ArabiWasabi link's Master Sword can't be nerfed, it's already too buff

7 months ago

that doesn't make too much sense, then again if it's that powerful a nerf may not have any effect. OMFG, that would mean that they buffed Link into Hat-Vergil((TOO OP)).

7 months ago

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3 months ago

Good review about the typical work day for ryo