I'd say this game is at its best in the first half and just gets progressively worse and worse. It's lacking basically all of the fine tuning RE4 had and as a result its systems don't gel nearly as well with one another (treasures and the gun upgrading system feel very imbalanced compared to 4 especially). The combat encounters and level design also are a big step back.

The story, while giving some satisfying moments as a series fan also feels all over the place compared to its predecessors. Wesker is fantastically hammy but the secondary antagonists don't shine and the rest of the plot is not very engaging.

Gameplay variety is great in the first half with imo very fun rail shooter segments and interesting enough gimmicks in the encounters (especially co-op) but it's the second half where we get a lot more confusing progression triggers as well as the introduction of enemy types that are just obnoxious to fight. Kind of couldn't believe what was happening as I watched this slowly turn into a mediocre cover shooter.

Reviewed on Mar 28, 2021
