Second playthrough and the first in many years, did it to get hyped for Dread. Still really enjoyed it! The more guided nature is definitely not how I'd prefer Metroid to go and the level design has a pretty high amount of "Metroid BS" obtuse moments (Zero Mission, which I just came off of, had less for sure). That said it was still manageable and this game has some of the best action in the series due to it's more focused nature.

It also still has fantastic atmosphere. It blows my mind that they managed to make this feel so moody with the GBA's awful screen and nonexistent sound chip. The tighter design allows for some more setpiece moments and the way they slowly build the tension leading up to them had me really invested.

The story is honestly kind of amazing and yet more proof that Sakamoto is a pretty fucking fantastic director and writer who just really, really fucked up with Other M. He isn't directing Dread to my knowledge but he is producing and I honestly hope he's writing the scenario as he did for Super and this game. 2021 has had the Famicom Detective Club remakes earlier this year to prove that he was writing good stuff all the way back in '88, WarioWare to prove he's got comedy chops, and finally Dread to give him another shot at his passion project and critical darling. Stage is set for a redemption arc, let's see if he pulls it off.

Reviewed on Jun 30, 2021
