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Time Played


Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

February 19, 2024

First played

February 17, 2024

Platforms Played


I first played this game back in Grade 11 and I loved it back then. I'm in my second year of university now and I still love this game as much as I did before. In my eyes, Hollow Knight is the definition of a masterpiece. Every single little thing is crafted to perfection, from the movement and combat, to the atmosphere and areas in the game. Even the parts I would say I "don't like" are still such a high quality in nearly every area that I simply just don't care. The only two areas I'm not too fond of are the Royal Waterways and Deepnest because I find the enemies of the former disgusting while the latter is just creepy, but the disgusting nature of the former and the creepy nature of the latter only enhance the experience because of the atmosphere. There's so many great areas each with their own aesthetic and it creates such a beautiful but depressing world, whether it's the lush colours of Greenpath, the unsettling atmosphere of Deepnest, the depressing setting of the City of Tears, the empty Howling Cliffs, the comfortable but tiny city of Dirtmouth, or even the deep dark Abyss, each area just has such a different vibe to it and the map is just so much fun to explore. The movement and combat is really fun. The game is really difficult at times but it starts off easy enough to teach the player how to progress well enough. Bosses like False Knight, Hornet, Mantis Lords, Soul Master, Dung Defender, and Broken Vessel, are definitely highlights in the main playthrough, and the harder versions of those bosses are really fun and challenging. The music is especially good in this game, the boss fights I mentioned all have amazing music but the actual area themes are also perfect, especially my personal favourite which is Greenpath, though other areas like City of Tears, Crystal Peak, and Kingdom's Edge have really good themes as well, and that goes for the whole game. I also love how the story is mainly told through NPC's talking about past events rather than making you watch a bunch of cutscenes. It leaves a lot of the pre-game events a mystery to be saved for later or up to interpretation. I also picked up on a lot more from the dialogue after replaying the game, and it's genius how they handled it. Really though, every aspect of this game deserves a lot of praise and I can't fully do it justice with this review, so I highly recommend you go play it, you'll love it guaranteed. Overall, I'd say this is genuinely one of the best games I've ever played and there's so many aspects to praise it for, and I would highly recommend this game to anyone.