Yeah this game's pretty solid. I know this is considered one of the bests and I both agree and disagree, though the existence of Ultra doesn't help this version's case. I know both versions have pros and cons but I definitely enjoyed Ultra more when I played it two years ago. The selection of minigames is pretty solid, though there are parts I find to be somewhat weaker. For this review, I'll rank each minigame and explain why.

7. Spring Breeze: This one's just really short and I don't really care for it too much. It's about 10 minutes long and it's a smaller version of Kirby's Dream Land. I don't dislike it or anything, but I'm very neutral about it. I know it's intended for beginners but I really think Dyna Blade is fine since it's not that much harder or longer for that matter.

6. Dyna Blade: This genuinely feels like it could've replaced Spring Breeze because it's not that much longer and gets the job done well. Pretty solid levels but definitely one of the weaker parts.

5. The Arena: This is where the ranking gets tricky. I'm going to put The Arena here because while it's a great concept and I love to see it (and the True Arena) in other titles, it's not a game mode I would see myself going back to much. Bosses in Kirby are pretty good but they're not exactly the highlight for me, though they are pretty fun for the most part.

4. Revenge of Meta Knight: I love the cooperation and banter of Meta Knight and his crew, and the music is really damn good. I think this one gets the short end of the stick for me because I don't particularly like the levels outside of The Halberd, but that's just me.

3. Gourmet Race: Can't go wrong with it, it's a very short minigame but it's a fun one with great and iconic music to boot. Definitely the most replayable one of the list.

2. The Great Cave Offensive: As someone who really likes Amazing Mirror, this definitely works out well for me. While Metroidvania Kirby definitely still needs work, I think it was executed pretty well here. I didn't go for all the treasures here like I did with my prior playthrough of Ultra from my time pre-Backloggd, but I enjoyed it a lot when I did it back then.

1. Milky Way Wishes: Genuinely such an interesting concept with great gameplay and levels to boot. The Heart of Nova and Marx fights are also a great way to end the game (other than The Arena but technically we can just count this as the ending).

So yeah, most of these are pretty good minigames. I don't think the entire package is perfect here, especially since there's less minigames than in Ultra, but it's a pretty fun time for a majority of its runtime. Overall, very solid collection of minigames that are really creative and iconic.

Reviewed on Feb 29, 2024
