This review contains spoilers

Around the time my grandfather died 2019/20, I was introduced about this game by my friends and bf and it got me interested. Cutting forward to 2021, a week before I bought this game, my dad died and to cope with my grief I decided to play this thinking I would feel better.
I miss you dad, we may have had our differences but you're still family and this game makes me miss you a lot.
This game triggers me in aspects that made me feel anger and cry so many times over my fathers death that I couldn't do a thing (especially in the moment like where the MC sees his parents and he can't stop the inevitable), and now I argue to this day with my friends and bf about it but I feel so horrible cuz I know they like this game but to me, this is just an awful bad dream taking hold of my anger and grief. I never meant to be a bad person for trashing this game.

This game is a good game all the way up to Act 2s finale.
Every character gets their moment to shine.
HOWEVER, this game suffers from horrible problems like the MC being the worst example of a silent protagonist, every sad scene that happens everyone is feeling sad but him, a LITERAL PIECE OF WOOD who then later becomes a LITERAL PIECE OF SHIT in Act 3 cuz haha funni time travel leaving everyone behind.

Act 3 is the worst idea ever in an RPG, never EVER use the concept of time travel this loosely, it's the worst thing for a good game and this game manages to lose its charm BIG cuz of that. Other RPGs like Final Fantasy, Tales Of and others have this but the thing is that they are much better built around the main idea and don't exactly use silly or EXTREMELY BAD ideas unless it's for a scene or two, NOT an entire Story Arc which crumbles the rest of the game.

Rabs entire side story in Act 2 is the best example of this which is a parallel to the Time travel decision in Act 3. WHY WOULD YOU WANT TO LIVE IN A FAKE/NEW REALITY WHERE THINGS ARE ALL FINE? THAT IS WRONG. THIS IS NOT FACING REALITY, THIS IS LIVING A LIE AND ACT 3 IS BASICALLY THAT.

Veronica's sole purpose after her death is to be the motivation for everyone to move on and give her sister the strength to live strong AND THEN ACT 3 COMES AROUND AND THROWS THAT IN THE TRASH.

Hendrik, oh Hendrik you suffered the worst in here. You had everything handed on a silver platter for one of the best redemption arc ever and then Act 3 happens and this actively pisses me off.

Another factor is the soundtrack, it's fine at first but then becomes the most repetitive thing ever (doesn't help that vanilla was just MIDIs to ruin everything).

Also who thought it was a good idea to lock costumes behind the fucking casino? Especially when the things take forever to get.

I love the gameplay, I really do but every other factor in this game is making me dislike it. I give it 3 stars cuz it's good but every other factor is not helping the game.
Hate me, disagree with me, I don't care. This is the single truth I give to you.

Reviewed on Jun 29, 2021
