Never played a roguelike before. Never played a Supergiant Games... game before (though i was aware of their work). But people were saying this was an EASY game of the year. So i was like huh what exactly is this game that i never heard of before and that it's winning everyone over. So i bit the bullet and bought it to see what it was all about. Aaaaand i didn't get it. It was frustrating to reach so close to the surface only to die to stupid face theseus and get sent all the way back. So i wrote off the game as "not for me" and moved one. Fast forward to a year and a half later i'm basically a changed man, an "i played dead cells and liked it" type of man. So I get this random itch to play it again. I mean, it's been rotting in my Steam for so long so might as well. I started a new file and it all just... made SENSE. I actually understood what the structure was and what progression looked like. I was finally making progress and enjoying the characters, story, music, everything. This game taught me to give games second chances because it might actually work out in the end.

Reviewed on Sep 21, 2023
