Visually striking and interesting gameplay twist that would’ve likely got boring late game. However, if you get sick easily playing games like I do (from motion sickness or extreme frame drops) skip this easily. I couldn’t even get pass the first hour without wanting to run to the bathroom every 5 mins

Reviewed on Dec 04, 2022


1 year ago

Motion sickness sucks :/ I have the same problem, but with First Person Shooters.

1 year ago

It’s so awful, if any fps doesn’t even have a toggle to turn off motion blur or anything else to ease it i dont even give it a chance

1 year ago

what exactly caused you to have motion sickness? the frame rate?

1 year ago

yes and no, i think they were trying to go for animation style that was similar to something like Into the SpiderVerse but it ends up looking bad and nauseating