Evil West 2022

Log Status






Time Played


Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

April 29, 2024

Platforms Played


Had a great time with this one. Combat was superb, played a bit like God of War 2018 cranked up to Doom Eternal levels of intensity and variety. You're teleporting around the arena doing launchers and air juggles with an electric gauntlet, whipping out flamethrowers and gattling guns, throwing sticks of dynamite, tons of fun stuff.

The levels were structured like an Xbox 360 game, following a mostly linear path through combat arenas and light puzzle solving with secrets tucked away in the map's corners.

Story was really disjointed, to the point that it got kinda distracting. I wasn't expecting much, but I did find myself asking questions like "wait, what are they talking about? who? how did they get there?" more often than I figured.

Towards the end of the game, they start throwing you in to these really cramped arenas that are just PACKED with enemies, to the point that the execution animations can't play properly for all the enemies crowding around you. Lots of repeated deaths, but I never got so frustrated that I needed to stop playing to cool off. I imagine this might change on higher difficulties, seeing as I played on Normal.

I have my nitpicks, but Evil West was a hoot and I'm glad I got the chance to play with Game Pass. For people who love intense action games, this is a must. If they ever make Evil West 2, I'll be there for it.