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I typically don't write reviews but…

Nomada Studio's Gris is a relaxing and serene yet deeply emotional experience. Through the game's genius use of color and music, which potentially represent different stages of grief, the breathtaking visual and auditory experience beautifully narrates the story of overcoming loss without any spoken dialogue. Technically, the two aspects of Gris that really stand out to me are the visuals and the soundtrack. Every moment in the game is so meticulously crafted that any scene could serve as a stunning wallpaper. The soundtrack is easily one of the best in video games. I acknowledge that I am biased since I love serene piano compositions and ambient musical pieces, but most importantly, the music not only complements the visuals but also drives the narrative effectively, making Gris's emotional experience even more profound. Although Gris is not among my all-time favorite games and its simplistic gameplay makes it challenging to rate super highly, I strongly recommend that everyone play it. For me, Gris transcends the boundaries of a typical video game; it is a work of art meant to be admired and pondered. And in a world where some still question whether video games can be considered art, Gris makes a compelling argument in favor of their artistic values without uttering a single word.


☑️ Amazingly Optimized
🔲 Meets the PC port performance standard
🔲 The Port has some issues
🔲 PC port is in an Unacceptable State
🔲 Unplayable


🔲 Yes
🔲 Its Free
☑️ Wait for sale
🔲 No


I typically don't write reviews, but...

Oddworld Inhabitants' Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath partly defined my childhood, and I hadn't had the chance to revisit it as an adult until now. The magic I experienced as a child is still very much present, and I'm thrilled to express that the game is just as exhilarating now as it was back then. Not only does the gameplay remain uniquely innovative, with the camera's position serving as a primary mechanic—a feature I haven't encountered in any other shooter—but the world of Oddworld is also incredibly fun and distinctive. It stands out in a remarkable way, setting itself apart from other fictional worlds in video games. The game's plot twist, occurring two-thirds through the storyline, is nothing short of incredible. Moreover, the tonal shift that follows provides a feeling that is unlike anything I've experienced in other games. The radical nature of this shift, coupled with the significant changes in both narrative and gameplay, is exceptionally cool. I sincerely hope for a sequel in the future. However, even if it doesn't materialize, I plan to revisit this classic for years to come.


🔲 Amazingly Optimized
☑️ Meets the PC port performance standard
🔲 The Port has some issues
🔲 PC port is in an Unacceptable State
🔲 Unplayable


☑️ Yes
🔲 Its Free
🔲 Wait for sale
🔲 No

ENGINE: Unnamed/Unknown Proprietary Engine

I typically don't write reviews, but...

Wrong Organ’s How Fish is Made is a short freeware horror experience that expertly employs environmental design to evoke a pervasive sense of dread in the player, which is central to the game's impact. Through interactions with various characters, the game's progression unfolds similarly to a visual novel. While mechanically, How Fish is Made doesn’t offer much beyond basic gameplay, Wrong Organ delivers a solid, thought-provoking, albeit not particularly profound, short horror experience that explores the concepts of agency and choice. On a meta-level, the exploration of these concepts serves as a commentary on the paradox found in player agency and choice mechanics in video games.


🔲 Amazingly Optimized
☑️ Meets the PC port performance standard
🔲 The Port has some issues
🔲 PC port is in an Unacceptable State
🔲 Unplayable


🔲 Yes
☑️ Its Free
🔲 Wait for sale
🔲 No