Fallout: New Vegas, the proclaimed king of the Fallout universe, according to my friends. So, I dove in with mods, expecting a game-changing experience. Reality check: the game progression is slower than a radroach. Tried the OG, without any mods to get the feel, but it just made me miss the sprint from the other games even more.
Don't get me wrong, I appreciate a good story and choices that matter, but I can't shake off the feeling that I'm stuck in a Mojave Desert of monotony. The graphics are too bland and rusty. The lack of a sprint button is like walking through molasses, and my patience is starting to wear thin.
Maybe I'm not seeing the promised land yet, but the journey feels more like a slow crawl through irradiated mud. Friends still swear by it, but right now, the hype is like a mirage in the distance, keeps teasing but not delivering any of the excitement I expected. Gonna give it a few more tries in the future, but for now, the New Vegas vibe hasn't hit the jackpot for me. Fingers crossed for a future playthrough..

Reviewed on Jan 28, 2024
