3 reviews liked by Ice_King



The scene from Toy Story 2 where Andy goes "I don't want to play with you anymore" except Woody is Doom 2016 and Andy has a copy of Doom Eternal in his other hand

Absolutely loved this game. My two goals as a kid with an SNES were to find a great Dragon Ball Z game and a great Spider-Man game. I could find neither. Sure, everyone loves MAXIMUM CARNAGE but, honestly, I never understood wtf was going on in that game.

Spider-Man on N64 was the first time I felt like Spider-Man in a video game. Actually swinging between buildings was an honest-to-god thrill for me. Wall-climbing, webbing up bad guys. Truly the dream.

But this is also the game that made me realize I owned The Amazing Spider-Man #1 via collectables and that my mom had GIVEN IT AWAY at a garage sale. In the game, you collect comics and can view them in a gallery, where I saw the one I owned and was confused why it was the first in the list. I scrambled to my computer and looked it up and was blown away. I used to read issue #1 all the time! To this day my mom denies I ever owned it purely as a coping mechanism.

1 list liked by Ice_King