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This franchise, and ultimately this game, is maybe the only mobile game(s) that I am nostalgic about. The story was surprisingly enjoyable and in terms of mobile gameplay is fantastic. The HUD during gameplay is clean and the controls are intuitive and does not construct your view. The graphics, especially for its time and on its limitations were stunning, truly showing off what the unreal engine can display on even mobile devices. The game has plenty of replayability and even encourages multiple playthroughs. Truly a great mobile game.

The Game. Ultimately, when all else fails you know you can always rely upon Minecraft to be there. Great to play alone, even better to play with friends, highly mod-able game with plenty of mod variety, etc. This is the ultimate sandbox experience and is always a calm and relaxing time. I don't think this game doesn't suit someone and would recommend to anyone and everyone.

P.S. I really like big wheat fields.

Whilst it has been overhyped and thus also an over-hated title due to it being a 'Fad' of early 2020, the game is a solid party game. One of the main problems that can ruin the enjoyment of this game is outside of its control, and that is other players ruining the game whether that be via outing their own role or by purposely not playing the game as intended. This can be quite common since the game is suited for 10 players and only requires one person to ruin the whole game. Not a highly repetitive game that you can play for hours on end and does get boring relatively fast, thus the problem listed prior is quite common. Good for an hour or two with a large group of friends in the right circumstances.