I do not think I've been more mixed on a video game, at least not in a VERY long time. Final Fantasy Tactics is a game I started almost 2 YEARS AGO when I finished Triangle Strategy (A game I very much enjoyed should probably write a review for that one too). And at the start I was fucking HOOKED, the art style, the music, the narrative, I think as an art form Final Fantasy Tactics is an amazing piece, but where the flaws come in are when you actually play it. FFT is either pathetically easy or next to impossible with very little inbetween "but icon" I hear you say "just grind or do the sidequests" and yeah it's an RPG that's the universal answer to everything difficulty, but these have problems also. For one grinding in this game takes a fucking eternity, I would get MAYBE a level on ONE of my 5 party members for every 5-10 minute fight. As for the sidequests, as I said before I was already hooked on the game's main story, I wanted to see where that was going, but the game would constantly gate me by spiking the enemies up buy 5-10 levels. The early game isn't too bad because the game is going easy on you, the mid to late game is a constant fucking roller coaster of one sided beatdowns for either me or the enemy, and then you get Orlandeau who just kinda carried me throughout all of endgame. The job system is fun in THEORY but with how long it takes to get JP even WITH JP boosters you're really only gonna get full value on like 2-3 classes per party member. One of which I benched for the previously mentioned Orlandeau because he's just that fucking cracked. When the game is fun it's REALLY fun, I really thought some of the maps were a fun challenge that really tested my mental skills, and then right after I'm forced into a 1v1 with a boss with quadruple Ramza's health and if I choose to go back I have to do like 4 maps again. Those 2 maps together really made up my FFT experience and it's why my score is dead in the middle. I truly love this game's narrative, manipulating history and preserving your morals are themes done really well in this game and it really kept surprising me with all the twists and turns, that hooked me as early as the end of the prologue hell the story is really the only reason I even bothered to finish the game at all.

Reviewed on Feb 19, 2024
