Completed with 100% of items collected - all 48 cards and all 13 secrets. I've put off playing this for far too long, but finally getting around to it I'm pleased to find it to be an enjoyable 2D Zelda-like, allowing for a satisfying sense of discovery through quite a freeform world that invites and rewards exploration. Combat is simple but solid, and works well when mixed in to the puzzle-solving which can be more involved. I'd have liked to see a bit more in the way of equipment variety, and the performance of this Switch release isn't great, with notable slowdown quite frequently and especially during screen transitions (Flash doesn't play nicely with the Switch, apparently), but these don't detract excessively from an enjoyable all round-experience. Oh, but how people originally found some of the collectibles and secrets without a guide is beyond me!

Reviewed on Mar 06, 2022

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2 years ago

You posted a review for 2 on the page of 1 m8.