Not perfect but also ambitious to a pretty insane degree so it's a miracle it achieved everything it set out to do as well as it did. Fell in love with its messy ambition and the multi-layered nature of its plot, themes, and secrets by the end of what became a very exhaustive playthrough (~20 hrs).

The game has this odd effect that's maybe a double-edged sword of hanging together better the more time you put into it. For example: a bit of wooden acting in a particular clip can come off like laziness or lack-of-skill on part of the game's production at first but rewatching hours later can read as an interesting passive-aggressiveness on the part of the "actor" (after you've absorbed a sense that said "actor" was frustrated with the "film's" production at that timestamp).

I found myself thinking on the messiness of the production of the game itself, the game's depiction of the messiness of the fictional production of the films within it, sussing out the progression of those films and their plots, and other layers I won't spoil here - all at once in a way that became endlessly fascinating with overlapping themes sometimes reinforcing each other and sometimes at odds.

Just a super compelling interactable archive object.

Reviewed on Apr 02, 2023
