Armoured Core VI is a game developed and published by FromSoftware and directed by Masaru Yamamura. It is yet another title that met all expectations fans and the like had upon hearing of its development. The moment I saw that FromSoftware released a new trailer, upon watching it, I was hooked. It is no surprise that FromSoftware develops some of the greatest games, and AC6 is no exception.

I've never played a mech game before, but I'm glad I have now. With its fast-paced and fluid combat, there is nothing that comes close to it, and paired with the customisation and number of builds that are possible, it opens up so many opportunities to tackle situations in different ways. Each gun and each body part have a certain feel and weight to them, and each build feels completely unique.

Visually, the game is gorgeous each moment, and despite whether during gameplay or cutscenes, it feels like a movie throughout, which led me to find myself taking hundreds of screenshots.

The bosses are crazy, especially pre-nerf Balteus, who was basically a huge skill check like Genichiro in Sekiro. The other bosses were all well made, and there were thankfully no gimmick or reused bosses within the game.

"I won't miss."

"I have one last job for you: find your freedom."

Reviewed on Jan 22, 2024


5 months ago

actually, balteus wasn't really nerfed. there's comparison videos where his payload can be dodged just as easily on the launch version of the game

iirc the only real significant nerfs are like, the sea spider's health and maybe a couple other similar tweaks

5 months ago

@chandler Ah ok that makes sense. To be honest, I never heard about the update until recently. That's good though, because I found it a shame to find out I beat Radahn after the nerf rather than before too.