Log Status






Time Played

49h 8m

Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

March 23, 2024

Platforms Played


Good characters and character design, enjoyable story and didn't feel ridiculously grindy (for the main game) and long which is one of my main gripes with JRPGs. Each character was interesting enough and didn't dislike any of them. Their own arcs are fitted pretty well into the story. The turn-based combat is solid enough and I mostly just let the AI take over the other characters apart from a couple of boss fights towards the end.

Main issues I had though was the side quests which were mostly fetch quests and not interesting at all for the most part. I also couldn't be bothered finishing the post-game because what really frustrated me was that you spent most of the game going through a story and leveling up fairly naturally without needing to grind levels out that much, but right at the end where there's an post-game story and boss I need to beat, I have to mindlessly grind at least 10 levels to at least have a chance of beating the final boss post-game. Sure I can use the speed-leveling strats which are online, but I found it a disappointing end design to an otherwise good game overall. I was expecting more of a story in between where I could level up naturally like the main story and I didn't want to be there for hours just fighting monsters - that sort of stuff should be reserved for once you've done everything and want to max everything out.

Overall, I enjoyed the time I played but for the post-game stuff I'll just end up watching the fight and cutscenes on YouTube or else I feel like I'd be more fed up with the game if I played it through to the end myself.