Enjoyed this a lot. The aesthetics are well done, the movement and combat is very fluid and smooth.

Main issues though are the pretty uninteresting story (which isn't the worst as for me the gameplay itself was the main focus in something like this) and the pretty terrible boss fights. That being said, I wouldn't exactly know how to make good boss fights for this kind of game and it didn't take up massive parts of the game. Maybe more of the T-073-Ms and less of the others.

Great gameplay and enjoyed the humour.

Fantastic gameplay and great story. One of the best stealth games I've played and for me remains as Arkane's best game.

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Ubisoft's open worlds look great. However, the content inside those open worlds though for many years have been so empty and devoid of anything apart from repetitive outpost clearing for a few minutes.

It's an RPG game but has very little to do with AC. The enemies were so annoyingly spongy that I turned down the difficulty just to get through fight quicker. The story wasn't that great (way too long) and it felt like it had more filler than Boruto. In fact the Fate of Atlantis DLC ended up being the actual reason the modern-day characters were there in the first place. I ended up enjoying the DLC more than the main game because whilst it wasn't perfect, it was way shorter, a smaller and more condensed map, and loved the aesthetics.

Overall it's just a very bland and grindy game which could've been much better had they made the game at least half the length, and you can use a big map as long as there's interesting things going on in it.

Not a bad game. Bayek is a cool main character, but it's the beginning of the terribly bloated open world RPG AC games, taking on the Ubisoft formula.

Great game all-around considering the year it released.

For me, the best Splinter Cell game alongside the first one.