Nemesis system is cool to witness yourself when playing. Story and world was fine. I just couldn't enjoy the combat and it felt tedious.

The way Ubisoft has treated this series over the years has made be never want another Splinter Cell game to be made again as much as I love the franchise (mainly the first game and Chaos Theory). You can guarantee they'd make an open world like MGSV but with the usual Ubisoft formula cancer.

For the past few releases they turned the game from a stealth shooter to a horrible cover shooter. This game is an attempt to make a bit of a hybrid while trying to get that old Splinter Cell feeling back. It does not work. The missions and stealth design in those missions are worse than the 2002 game.

Over 10 years and in the end they've regressed. It's a sad end to what could've been a fantastic stealth franchise, but I very much doubt that they'll ever be able to capture the feeling of games like Chaos Theory, especially the state Ubisoft is in right now.

It's not a bad game or concept but I just couldn't get into it.

I just couldn't get into it in solo. Seems like I'd enjoy it more in co-op, but I might give it another go in the future.

For the little time I played with friends, it wasn't so bad. Monetisation is just scummy by locking most of the classes behind a paywall. 2 years later the game seems to be worse with some devs acting like absolute children.

Nice graphics and fights, but it's quite possibly the most bland and boring RPG I've every played.

8 characters and they barely interact with each other who just happen to join each other in fights. Could've made a big overarching story with major crossovers between some of the character's stories and mainly just make an interesting world out of it. Instead it's just going through each character's individual lacklustre story.

Great-looking MMO, nice combat but most P2W grindy garbage that does not respect your time at all to progress past certain points.

The world and story is excellent, however the mechanics have really aged which were not enjoyable for me. May give this another shot in the future.

Did not like the story at all. Really big downgrade from the first game and Chaos Theory.

Terrible PC port which made it unplayable.

Overall a great game that still holds up today. More interesting to play than a lot of modern looter shooters and is great for co-op. Below is mainly how I felt going through the base game.

+ Brilliant story (especially compared to 3) with enjoyable main and side quests.
+ Good Perk tree and easy to respec.
- The gunplay can be frustrating at times as some sights can have horrible reticles.
- Guns just feel very 'flat' and impactless in general. Felt like there was a lack of variety as well where only a handful of weapons felt viable.
- No mantling (minor issue as this was added in BL3)

+ Good artstyle and still holds up well today.

+ Game ran perfectly fine on max settings with an RTX 3070 (160+ fps).
- Mouse sensitivity was way too high even on the lowest settings. Had to use a 3rd party tool to get it lower.
- When setting the game to offline, it doesn't save on that setting when rebooting the game.

Good Naruto game and the most fluid one to play, but some of the fights were still just not enjoyable and annoying to play (anything that had you play as or fight against tailed beats).

Good story and loved Niko as a protagonist. The lower score is because of how bad the PC port is. I had to go through a mod guide just to get it working and even then some things weren't fixed (e.g. having to cap frame rate in certain scenes).

Loved playing through the campaign. Felt like a good upgrade on the first game and has a lot of hidden secrets. In terms of Souls-likes it does a good job of standing out from the rest.

Only glaring issue I have is with the co-op and lack of communication (can't communicate about wanting to do alternate boss kills for example), not being able to filter lobbies by what area they're in and lobbies not updating properly what area they're in. Very frequently I'd be joining a world thinking they're in an area I want to be in but they're actually in Ward 13 and have been for many minutes.


Went into this expecting a short game about a cat in a dystopian world and it's what I got. No issues with the game, it pretty much did everything that it set out to do well within the 5 hours I completed it in.