Dead Space 2023

Log Status






Time Played


Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

July 6, 2023

First played

July 3, 2023

Platforms Played


I would like to say, yeah, i was wrong, this remake is pretty nice, imo it was still not needed, the original 2008 game did not age bad at all, on the contraire even, but well, i am glad we have a good one instead off a bad one, let me leave it at that.

NOW, let me tell you what i HATE about this game, WHY CANT ISAAC JUST SHUT THE FUCK UP? WHY DOES HE KEEP TAKING HIS HELMET OFF? like, wtf my dude, what is the reasoning for this? specially in the face department, what did they do to Nicole and Isaac´s face? they look like two dumb asses, specially Isaac, cant stand his face, you know someone with a punchable face? that is Isaac in this game, the biggest fumble of all time was this downgrade

OK, thank you for reading my hatred for that, BUT, i am glad that my biggest issue is something so minimal, its one of the best remakes i seen so far, near 1 to 1 from the original, this is how you do it, nothing was erased, but a few things were added, kudos to you EA, for doing something decent for once, hope this streak continue

FOR TECHNICAL issues, i can confirm, if you go check the discussions tab on the community for this game, yes, the game runs like crap, for some reason they still didnt fix most of the issues with this game, it took me 60h to 100% the game, but it should have been 40 something hours, i had 20 hours wasted because of bugs and such, had to start a impossible run from scratch 9h in because the game crashed and my save got corrupted, some cutscenes just never happen and Isaac speaks to himself, heck, one encounter with the hunter i never even did it because Isaac just stood there talking to himself and nothing happened, guess that is cool

I had less technical issues with cyberpunk when it launched then with this one, and i am not even exaggerating, its that concerning


In the end of the day is a very good remake, almost 1 for 1, and that is amazing, Isaac face and he speaking is truly unforgivable, retarded even, the worst downgrade in video gaming history, but i guess nothing is perfect, some fumbles will happen

Indeed the game has ALOT of issues technically, alot of bugs and game ending crashes that are still not fixed, another sad case of amazing game with a poor PC port, seems like a common thing now, and that is quite annoying

I would say you should play this version anywhere you can get besides PC, or, well, play the original, its still the superior version