Log Status






Time Played

47h 33m

Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

May 1, 2023

First played

April 25, 2023

Platforms Played


First of all, I want to say, I tried liking this game, I remember playing when I was a kid on the PSP, I mean, kinda, I know I played the game since I still have the UMD, but I don't really remember anything about it, only the MC, Ace, always thought he was super cool

Now, after playing again, more then 10 years later, I can say a lot of things about it, mostly bad things honestly

I have to be honest, I despise current Final Fantasy, heck, Square Enix as a whole, they are an walking L, I hate that company as much as I hate Konami

That out of the way, I tried liking TYPE-0, I really did, call it nostalgia, but I remember "liking" the game, so I was willing to give this a chance, well, that was a very, very big mistake

The gameplay

I ain't a fan of action jrpgs, to me is a crime against nature, a sin really, but I didn't mind this one that much, at least the range characters, I mainly used the ranged ones, playing with a melee character here is really frustrating, hard to hit, your attacks don't feel good to hit at all, i almost never used magic either, or the summon mechanic, only when the game wanted me to use it, really pointless

The Story

Now, this one is the weakest part of the game, not really, but it is, TYPE-0 shares the mythos with FF XIII and FF XV, so you prob gonna read a lot of things and link up, that is the fun part of the game imo, when you hear something and go "ohhh, I know that, that is cool"

The War angle is not that interesting specially since this is something Final Fantasy already did multiple times, but, i actually was liking some characters, even if not that original, 90% of the CLASS ZERO, the MC crew, they are pretty fun and I liked every single one (only 2 of them that I have issues with), and they are easily the best part of the game, by far, and that makes me livid, because of what, or how the game ends.

Now, I want to say this without spoiling the game for anyone that wants to play this, this game has possibly one of the worst endings of all time, easily top3 worst endings in any Final Fantasy, it has nothing of worth in it, everything about it disgusting and makes you feel like you wasted your time.

I do not recommend anyone to give this a try, unless you just skip all the cutscenes after the last boss, do yourself a favor, don't try it, you will be very upset

For anyone interested, I uploaded the entire run on youtube.