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Time Played


Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

July 17, 2023

First played

July 10, 2023

Platforms Played


ONLY reason i shall give this game a positive review is because it looks great and as a remake, they did the correct thing and didn't take anything out, as a REAL remake should be, great graphics

Unfortunately it ends here, for some reason its filled with technical issues, bugs for days, for days, countless times i had to close the game because of a game ending bug, cars flying, enemy AI going crazy the true 2K experience

I would recommend getting this game because its MAFIA, one of the greatest games of all times, MAFIA 1 and MAFIA 2 are a must for ANYONE, so buy it, but try doing on a sale, do yourself a favour.

For the platinum lovers out there, this is a good one, chill and not that long, just one missable really, but you can just replay missions so its perfect.